Ladybugs are your friend!

Sep 5, 2011 | Garden How-Tos, Insect Control, pest control, Vegetable Gardening

Ladybugs are also known as the gardener’s friend. They are voracious eaters of vegetation-destroying pests ike aphids and whiteflies. They can devor hundreds, if not thousands of whitefly larvae and aphids a day.

Here’s a beautiful ladybug on a eggplant leaf:

Lady Bird (Lady bug) - Beneficial Insect
Some people buy lady bugs to ensure they build colonies! So if you have lady bugs in your garden, you are very lucky. Lady bugs are the most organic way of doing pest control in your garden.

Beware though, as some beetles look very similar to the lady bug. Check the head of the insect – Black- put her back, Red – you want her dead!


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