This summer, we grew purple peppers. The peppers were a part of the lovely series by Ferry Morse. You can buy these seeds at Amazon and try growing them. They are amazing! We got 100% germination rate and the plants are VERY healthy.
As a general rule for growing peppers, start seeds so that in 6 weeks, you can plant them between Spring and Summer (March thru July). In some warm Zones, you can set established plants out as late as July and still get a nice crop!
Things purple peppers love:
- Heat – Lots of it!
- Calcium – The love calcium – also found in Garden Lime so be sure to get some good varieties
- Epsom Salt – Bathe them with Epsom salt every two weeks
- A good all-purpose Organic Fertilizer (You can also use a Miracle Grow Inorganic fertilizer for faster results)
- When using organic fertilizers, be sure to water with Fish Emulsion and Seaweed Extract every three weeks during the growing season. For containers, feed every two weeks.
- When using Miracle Grow, fertilize every two weeks. Note that chemical fertilizers increase salts in the soil so make sure to discard soil in containers after the growing season.
Here is our harvest video: Happy gardening!