Let’s look at the top five vegetables that grow exceptionally well in Zone 10 in your home garden. You can start these plants from seeds or from transplants very easily in your garden. They are easy to grow and produce abundantly. Great for beginners who often ask the question, what should I grow in my vegetable garden?
Winner – Anaheim Chili
It’s a prolific variety that is very easy to grow and extremely disease resistant. You can start these from seeds or transplants and grow well in containers or raised beds. They produce abundantly and we highly recommend first time gardeners to try growing this pepper variety.
Runner up – Bird’s Eye Chili pepper
If you are looking for a hot pepper variety that produces abundantly and is disease resistant, bird’s eye chili pepper variety may be the perfect variety to grow. This plant produces peppers in clusters, and grows easily in raised beds, containers, and even indoors under grow lights.

Anaheim Chili pepper

Bird’s eye chili pepper
Winner – Juliet
We have been growing this variety for several years and the yield never ceases to amaze us. The fruits mature very early and they yield as early as January in Southern California and continue to produce well into November in some areas in Zone 10.They are low maintenance and resistant to diseases and, insects/pests that commonly attack tomatoes.
Runner up – Red Pride
It’s a compact plants that grows to 2 feet and has abundant blooms that become full size tomatoes quickly. It hardly requires any space and is a perfect variety to grow for gardeners who have limited growing space. The fruit matures very quickly and most nurseries and gardening stores carry the seeds or transplants for this wonderful variety.

Juliet variety

Red pride tomato
Winner – Little Prince
This eggplant variety can be easily grown in whiskey barrel containers. You can easily grow 3 or 4 plants in a whiskey barrel sized container. The eggplants are absolutely delicious and pack in a lot of flavor. They produce abundantly during the growing season. We have also not seen any insects or pests attacking this eggplant variety
Runners up – Black Beauty
It’s a common eggplant variety that you can find in your local nursery and produces large sized eggplants. It grows pretty well in zone 10 and yields some delicious eggplants that are perfect for grilling

Little prince eggplant

Black beauty eggplant variety
Winner – Minowase
It’s one of the most grown radish variety and a variety which we like to grow. It’s mistakenly sold as Daikon variety but Daikon is a Japanese variety while this yields long roots which has a pungent taste. They grow well in containers or raised beds.
Runners up – White Icicle
You can propagate them from seeds which can be direct sowed. It’s an excellent produced and have a early maturity. They produce delicious radishes and are very easy to grow.

Minowase Radish variety

White icicle radish
Winner – Nombo Giant
It’s an heirloom variety and extremely easy to start from seeds indoors before the last frost date. You can transplant your seedlings outdoors in containers or raised beds. It produces large pods which grow in clusters and taste delicious.
Runner Up – Baby Bubba Hybrid
It’s a prolific variety and we grew these in whiskey barrel sized containers. We were able to harvest plenty of pods from just 4 plants throughout the growing season. It is also very resistant to pests and diseases.

Nombo giant okra

Baby bubba okra
Watch the episode Top 5 Best Vegetables Easy To Grow In Your Vegetable Garden to learn more!
Please call me, California Gardening. I need your help with my avocado trees.