Coconut Coir Seed Starting Mix – Sri Lankan Coco Coir

Dec 24, 2020 | product, Vegetable Gardening

Coconut coir is a great medium to start your seeds and in today’s video we review a coconut coir product from Sakti Agro. Their products are sourced from coconut growers in Sri Lanka and the discarded husks are reused to make coco coir. In the process they generate employment for people in Sri Lanka and with the money raised they started the Sakti family foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps a lot of families in need that were affected by the civil war in Sri Lanka.

Sakti Agro

Sakti Agro

They included some tea bags sourced from Ceylon, a mug, and two coconut coir bricks inside the package. I used a mixing tub to expand these bricks and added one gallon of water per brick. Soon they started to expand and converted into a fine powder that can be used as a seed starting medium or as a potting mix. Coco coir from Sakti Agro is triple washed and it’s free from salts. It can be readily used out of the box and can go right into you seed starting cells.

Coconut Coir Bricks

Coconut Coir Bricks

Bricks soaking water and expanding

Bricks soaking water and expanding

We sowed some seeds in the seed starting cells filled with just coco coir which should provide enough nutrition for the plant to germinate and produce its first true set of leaves. Until then you don’t need to add any fertilizer or nutrients to these seed starting cells, all you need is keep the cells moist and provide a humid environment for the seeds to germinate. We used the dome to cover the seed starting kit and kept it indoors under grow lights. ?We had plenty of leftover coconut coir and we stored these in Ziploc bags which helps in retaining the moisture. We will soon be stating more seeds for all our summer crops.

Fine coco coir

Fine coco coir

Ready to be filled in seed starting kit

Ready to be filled in seed starting kit

A week later most of the seedlings have emerged, germination rate is over 95% and using the coco coir medium to start seeds is a great option. You can also substitute coco coir for peat moss in potting mixes that can be used to fill containers or raised beds for your growing needs. This is a fine coco coir mix, and not coconut husks that you can use as a potting medium in larger containers. You can buy them on amazon, links to the individual products are below.

650 gm coco coir bricks

1.75 cubic feet coco coir

11 lbs brick

To learn more, watch the video at Coconut Coir Seed Starting Mix – Sri Lankan Coco Coir


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