by californiagardening | Jan 10, 2021 | California Gardening, Container Gardening, Flower, Fruit, Garden How-Tos, Raised Bed Gardening, Seed starting |
Plant propagation via seeds is one of the most common ways to start plants. In this video blog you will learn what?s the best mix to use for starting seeds, containers to use for propagating seeds, how to fertilize and nourish your seedlings as they grow, how to up...
by californiagardening | May 11, 2019 | Garden How-Tos, Raised Bed Gardening, Vegetable Gardening |
In today’s video we look at how easy it is to build a cheap, easy DIY raised bed garden with almost no tools needed. What you need Corner Posts – 2Wood or the sides – we recommend 2x8inch natural wood like Douglas Fir wood or cedar woodMaterial for...
by californiagardening | Mar 4, 2015 | Garden How-Tos, Vegetable Gardening |
A symbiotic relationship is a mutual association between two organisms in which they benefit each other. Such a symbiotic association with plants and fungi is a Mycorrhizal association. How plants benefit from mychorrizae What happens in a Mycorrhizal association is...
by californiagardening | Jul 17, 2012 | Garden How-Tos, Vegetable Gardening |
Its a lovely on-going summer here in Irvine in Southern California. Some of our containers had to be replaced, so we got down to work! We wanted to try out the newer self watering containers which claim to conserve upto 80% of the water needed for containers (which is...