by californiagardening | Sep 28, 2018 | California Gardening, Container Gardening, Flower, Fruit, Harvest, Herb, Monthly Gardening Series, Vegetable Gardening |
Welcome to the September 2018 garden. September Garden Garden tour – Take a tour of the beautiful California Garden here in Irvine, Southern California, Zone 10. We will look at the raised beds and containers Harvests – We then show you harvests like...
by californiagardening | Nov 4, 2015 | Vegetable Gardening |
Moringa oleifera is also called “The Miracle Tree”. It is packed with a ton of nutrition and is very delicious as well. Moringa – The Miracle Tree Today we look at the benefits of the moringa tree and how the leaves and pods of the moringa plant can...
by californiagardening | Aug 4, 2013 | Fruit, Vegetable Gardening |
In today’s topic, we will discuss how to grow Moringa Oleifera from seed to tree! Before we begin, let’s understand how important superfoods like Moringa Oleifera are to our environment. A superfood is a food which has a high concentration of...